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    What I Do

    Hello. My name is Cheryl Rickman.


    I’m a Sunday Times Bestselling author, ghostwriter and Positive Psychology practitioner.


    I write impactful non-fiction books to help people make the most of their lives, fret less and flourish more.

    As a ghostwriter, I help bring out the book in wellbeing experts, TV/sports personalities and business leaders who don't have the time to write their own manuscript, yet have important messages to share.

    Three Lionesses: Find your team, build self-belief and embrace your inner Lioness is out now!

    Find out more about TREE GLEE - over at www.TreeGlee.co.uk.

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    Writing Books

    I knew when I was eight years old that I wanted to a) help people and b) write books. So I sometimes pinch myself as I now get to write helpful how-to books. That is my specialist area of expertise. So if you want to make a difference to others with your own book and bring your dream to fruition, please do get in touch.


    I've written 14 of my own books, including, You Can Flourish, Tree Glee, You Are Enough, Navigating Loneliness, which has a Foreword by Terry Waite, The Happiness Bible, and a best-selling business start-up guide with a Foreword by Dame Anita Roddick.


    I've also written a how-to book on digital business, a colouring-book for grown-ups, The Flourish Colouring Book, and an empowering gender-stereotype busting children's book, called YES YOU CAN!


    Other recent books include: Be More Wonder Woman, The Little Book of Serenity and The Little Book of Resilience.


    Tree Glee - How and why trees make us feel better, was published in October 2022. and kindly endorsed by Dr Jane Goodall and Dame Joanna Lumley. You can find out more over at TreeGlee.co.uk.  


    And, a decade after my first self-help book was self-published, I've written a brand-new version called YOU CAN FLOURISH, a workbook to help you thrive. Published by Vie (Summersdale) in February 2023.


    Most recently I had the pleasure of working with three inspirational England Lionesses - ELLA TOONE, GEORGIA STANWAY and NIKITA PARRIS on a book called THREE LIONESSES: Find your team, build self-belief and embrace your inner Lioness (out now).


    After 18 years as an author and ghostwriter of business and self-help books, I now focus on teaming up with inspirational individuals to write empowering books which equip people with the tools they need to make the most of their lives and thrive in life, in business and at work.

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    I’ve ghostwritten a total of 14 books over the past decade, taking my total tally to 28 books. I've ghostwritten for TV personalities, elite athletes, business leaders, psychotherapists and more.


    I’ve been a professional writer for 18 years and self-employed for 21. Before writing books I edited an online music magazine that I co-founded with my other half, James. I love interviewing people, digging deep by doing extra research and writing practical guidance that makes an impact to people's lives.


    Across almost two decades, I've worked alongside leaders in their field, interviewed hundreds of popstars and business personalities and had work published in The Huffington Post, Better Business and Psychologies Magazine, among others. I am also an Ambassador for The Network of Wellbeing and had a Lifestyle column in The Daily Echo for a couple of years.


    They have also written about my various shenanigans, including my recent #43ActsofKindness. (which is jolly nice of them).

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    As well as writing, I run an annual weekend workshop on how to flourish in life, find the good, and build resilience and authenticity. Some might say I’m a kind of "Optimism and Resilience Teacher".


    I qualified with a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) in January 2016, adding a "Positive Psychology Practitioner" string to my bow. 

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    Yes You Can Climb Trees and Play Football!

    I also created some characters called the Climbing Trees girls (see below) who have their own mission: to help children to see past gender-stereotypes and be proud to be all that they are. 



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    Yes You Can!

    YES YOU CAN! is a children's storybook in which the Climbing Trees Girls have been brought to life. I wrote the book (inspired by my football-mad daughter) to challenge gender stereotypes and help children to see past them, show kids that all toys, colours and hobbies are for everyone and encourage them to be proud to be all that they are. In order to get the book published, we launched a Kickstarter (crowdfunding) campaign so we could hire the illustrator and editor and pay for the book to be printed and shipped. I'm thrilled to say, the Kickstarter campaign was a huge success and was funded 10 days before the campaign ended. Check out the campaign video here: http://kck.st/2pUPIDk


    The book is now available on Amazon here.

  • Shop My Books

    For books I've ghostwritten please visit www.writer.uk.com 

    You can buy the books I've written under my own name on Amazon worldwide - click the book covers below to buy or, if you'd prefer to buy via your favourite independent bookshop online -
    visit my Bookshop.org bookshop here.

    The Happiness Bible - a definitive guide to sustainable wellbeing and wellness
    The Little Book of Resilience
    The Little Book of Serenity - tips on becoming calmer and less stressed, reduce anxiety
    Be More Wonder Woman empowering tips on wellbeing
    Yes You Can helping children understand gender stereotypes and diversity


    The Small Business Start-Up Workbook
    Digital Business Start-Up Workbook
    The Flourish Colouring Book - art therapy and mindfulness
    Navigating Loneliness book
    May You Be Well book
    You Are Enough book
    Tree Glee book cover - how and why trees make us feel better - wellbeing
    You Can Flourish workbook cover
    Three Lionesses book cover
  • Absolutely all that I do is about helping people to FLOURISH in their life, to equip people with the tools they need to thrive.

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    To blossom from seedling to spruce.

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    To nourish the roots of positivity and sow seeds of hope.

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    To adapt to change in a resilient way like trees to seasons.

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    To attract abundance and wellness like sweet blossom attracting bees.

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    To fertilise and ripen fruitful dreams.

  • Because this really is our one and only ACTUAL LIFE. Happening right NOW!

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    If I can help just one person feel less “hmpf” and more “yay”; less pessimistic and more appreciative; less hard on themselves and more proud of themselves… then I will feel like I’ve served my purpose, fulfilled my 'dharma' and done what I am here to do; to enable flourishing. That's why the books I've written and ghostwritten so far empower and offer guidance to help people do what they love, love what they do, and better connect with others and the natural world, to live their best possible life.

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    Because life is short and precious and wonderful.

    I want to live in a RESILIENT world where we are better equipped to deal with stress, cope with hardships and make the most of whatever life throws at us, even the heart-wrenching hard stuff.


    I want to live in an ACCEPTING world where we have the choice and freedom to be our true whole authentic selves instead of feeling forced to conform to limited definitions which restrict our ability to shine.

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    So that is what I aim to do through the words on the pages of my books and the guidance at my annual workshops. If you’d like to hire me to ghostwrite your book, want to learn how to flourish in life or help your children to do so, please drop me a line here.

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    A bit more about me...


    I was born in Southampton 50 years ago, spent 12 years living in a tiny village and currently live in a country cottage in the Hampshire countryside, surrounded by fields and trees. I LOVE trees, friendship and the smell of fresh coffee (and possibility) in the morning. I love stretching out on the sofa with a good book and stretching my legs on daily gratitude walks. I once fell off the stage into the band. I love to read, learn and grow. I love being a mum to my awesome daughter and being able to write books for a living.


    These are my books 

    These are my posts

    This is my story


    It's been a rollercoaster ride of journey so far.


    Thank you for popping along to my little web home.

  • WHO I AM: My Story

    As a child, I looked up to my incredibly inspirational mum. She had the debilitating disease MS but, despite having plenty to whine about she never complained and constantly smiled.


    My mum Denise and dad Roger met when they joined the same pop group and made it through to Melody Maker finals. I found this to be suitably cool and loved them both deeply. 


    I also loved how passionate my dad was  about a) his guitar playing and b) his garden. I noticed a difference in him when he was playing with me or his aforementioned musical /  botanical instruments of joy.

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    Mum once said, 'I may not be able to walk, but I can watch you grow and fly.'


    I realised then that how you chose to SEE life and REACT to what is thrown your way really matters in how you get through life and what you get out of it.

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    Simultaneously I knew from the first time I read Charlie and The Chocolate Factory under our Indian Bean Tree that I wanted to write and that I wanted to work from my home and garden.


    Writing from home became my ambition and, today, it is my complete and utter passion (along with reading).

  • I didn't seem to have the immense imaginative talent to write fiction though, so I wrote features instead.


    I interviewed lots of people. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things at first. Then successful people - popstars and rockstars for the music magazine site I set up with my other half, then business leaders and a range of inspirational people for business magazines and how-to-start-and-grow-a-business type books.


    I learned a lot about achievement and failure and persistence from these others.


    But, from myself, I learned resilience.


    When I was 17 years old, my darling mum died.

    It hit me hard. How could/why would this happen?

    Yet, somehow, I summoned my inner strength, picked myself up and I lived.


    I realised then that life was short. Hers was. She was 43.


    After I'd come up for air and worked through my grief (and turbo-powered teenage angst/guilt/rebellion) I decided that, I actually wanted to make the most of my life.

    And so I stopped fopping around and raving on and sorted myself out.


    I became my own boss, working from home, walking my dog in between writing features, websites and interviews.


    A decade later, after pursuing and succeeding at my own dreams of becoming a free-range-author, I decided I wanted to help others to do the same; to live with intention and optimism; to make the most of their lives; like my mum had done and like my dad had just begun to do.

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    The Journey To Flourishing

    I decided to study positive psychology – the study of optimal human flourishing.


    I wanted to write a book that carved the core pillars of well-being into an easy to read practical guide that could equip people with strategies and habits, whilst taking them on a journey to flourishing step-by-step, month-by-month.  


    I was drawn to this topic because I had witnessed first hand how different approaches to life can have a huge impact on how we live it and what we get out of it. Life that is.

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    Despite his love for music and his awe-inspiring gardening, dad found living a strain. He had always found life tough, from childhood until about 8 years ago when he finally found the job of his dreams, dancing on cruise ships. That was when he started to really LIVE his life, finally.


    Unlike my disabled yet smiley-faced mum, my able-bodied yet depressed dad struggled with life and with her disability. Mum and dad were polar opposites – my mum was confident and positive, my dad shy and depressed.


    That said, dad was one of the nicest and funniest men you'd ever meet.


    But also, behind closed doors, one of the saddest.


  • Cruelly, when I was half way through editing the pages of The Flourish Handbook, I learned that my dad had mesothelioma (asbestos-cancer) from his 30 years working for the railways. He'd been exposed to asbestos when he was a 16 year old apprentice.


    Just three short weeks after this diagnosis, my dear dad was dead.


    I didn’t show him the book as it was about living and he was shockingly about to lose his life. I just told him about it and he was, of course, immensely proud. But I didn’t expect to put the wisdom in that book into practice myself so soon.

    My life echoed my prose

    Ironically, I’d been writing about how supportive relationships and wells of stored positivity bolster resilience during tough times, and now here I was, living proof of the science behind positive psychology. The content I’d been researching and writing was happening to me in real-time. My life echoed my prose.


    Through the intensely heart-breaking shock and tears, I was somehow finding a way to bounce-back, despite it all. Those friendships bolstered my resilience, as did all those years of focusing on the good. It really helped me in my darkest hours during which I cried, 'not him as well?!'


    I vowed that serving others would be my life's purpose...

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    ...To help people to make the most of their one precious life.

    Not to participate actively in the role of victim and waste the life they had, but to "celebrate everything until further notice" and, if dealt a particularly rough hand, to somehow find the strength and support to navigate through, bounce back, find the learning within it; to seek out the silver lining somehow and get on with living, against the odds. I knew that was possible.
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    The business of living

    Flourish was born and I decided to evolve my ghostwriting business from writing about how to make a business flourish to writing about how to flourish in actual proper LIFE.


    Now, as well as penning business books that enable businesses (and thus the economy) to flourish, I also write about resilience and positivity, about gratitude and grace, about purpose and connection.


    I recently collaborated on a colouring book too :-)


    Writing books which help people to cope with and cherish life is my passion.

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    This is what I completely LOVE to do.

    I also take a bunch of 40 women on a Flourish Seaside Weekender every year.


    It's empowering to get away from it all - and it's rewarding to see like-minded-ladies being themselves, enjoying themselves, giving themselves a break.


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    A healthy dose of refreshing self-care

    Mostly mums, this group of women have something in common; they often put everyone else first. Self-care takes a back seat while they care for others. This weekender gives them a chance to grab a well-earned high-dosage of self-care before they return to their lives; ones which are dominated by wanting the best for their children.
  • And so, by day, I write books and am mum;

    by night I work on my projects or see friends.

    I know what it’s like to juggle.

    I know what it’s like to suffer deep loss.
    I know what it’s like to want to get your message out there.
    I know what it’s like to want the best for your children.


    And I would love to help you.


    Whether you wish to author a book, learn how to flourish in life or business or teach your children how to flourish as they grow – I’d love to hear from you.

  • My Blog

    Occasional infrequent musings about how to fret less and flourish more

    Loneliness Awareness Week takes place from 14th - 18th June 2021. Started by Marmalade Trust in...
    My new book – NAVIGATING LONELINESS: How to connect with yourself and others, has a Foreword...
    8 aprilie 2021 · Loneliness,lockdown,relationships,connection,solitude
    During the pandemic we’ve either been thrust together or kept apart, (or a little of both)...
  • Illustrations by the very marvellous Jo Bradshaw